Sunday, February 17, 2013

"The American Taliban"

Although some sects and polygamys become more prevalent in modern life and society, there are still groups that choose to stay hidden from the world. In this video, a reporter goes into the sect of the Fundamentalist Latter Day Saints, which holds some of the most strict rules when it comes to polygamy. These people are cut off from the world entirely with no communication with the outside world and limited access to modern devices that we have grown to use in our daily lives. As discussed in Chapter 4, many times people need to have social interaction in order to properly learn how to lead a healthy life in the world. The people that live within a sect don't have the opportunity to be properly socialized and therefore they don't know what is actually out in the world around them. In the rare instance, you will have an individual that feels the need to break away from the sect and, when that happens, they must say goodbye to their family and friends within the sect for the last time.

In the case of the FLDS, liberal individuals are forced to choose between discovering the outside world and their families. This is due to the rules and regulations put in place by their leader. From a young age these children of the sect are taught these rules in order to insure that they will abide by them as adults. They are raised to think that the outside world is bad and that it is okay to have more than one wife. Their leader Warren Jeffs had over 80 wives and even though he has been found guilty of the rape of underage women, almost all of his followers see him as innocent. This is because of the morals that they have been raised on. They know nothing more than what they are taught and many times they don't wish to learn about anymore than they have been taught.

Friday, February 8, 2013

Breaking Polygamy

In this article, the topic of leaving a sect is discussed. Even in shows like "Breaking Amish" we see people that feel a need to lead the life that they were forced to lead due to how they're parents grew up. In modern society, many people have a tendency to turn their heads when they see people of a sect or a polygamy in need of help. This article talks of a charity that helps polygamists when they no longer want to lead the life that have been in. This charity gives these people the necessities they need in order to start a fresh new life outside of a polygamist sect.